Center for Spiritual Living Greenville offers practical spiritual education in a variety of settings designed to bring people together to be inspired and supported in growing to their highest potential. We provide practical tools, host meaningful conversations, address real-life issues, foster mutual support, and celebrate each other's wins.

Our goal at CSL Greenville is to touch as many lives as possible with these empowering tools. Tuesday night classes at CSL Greenville are offered on a love-offering basis, including Beyond Limits and Foundations of Science of Mind. Thursday night Certificated Courses at CSL Greenville are offered on a love-offering basis with the $45 Certification Fee paid by the student. Advanced Consciousness Studies and Professional Practitioner Training are tuition and fee-based courses. Other CSL Greenville gatherings, online and in person, are free or offered on a  a love-offering basis. 

Check out our Spiritual Growth and Spiritual Development offerings, our current Education Plan and Events Calendar. There's something for everyone at CSLG!

Spiritual Growth
Classes, Conversations, Workshops, Groups, and Seminars

I. Practical Spirituality Classes

II. Cafe Conversations

III. Life Purpose Workshops

VI. Life-Application Classes for Well-Being

V. Life-Skills Classes for Well-Being

VI. Life-Application Classes for Success

VII. Life-Skills Seminars for Success

VIII. Interfaith and Intercultural Explorations

IX. Affirmative Community Engagement Projects

X. Positive Activism Workshops