Welcome to CSL Greenville!
Offering Spiritual Tools to Transform Personal Lives and Help Make the World a Better Place

Center for Spiritual Living Greenville shines a light on the infinite potential in every person. Our groups, classes and programs teach practical spirituality for everyday living. Together, as we remember who we truly are, our lives begin to work, health, harmony and prosperity abound and our dreams really do come true!

Honoring all paths to God, “We believe in every church and in all forms of worship.” – Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, 1938, p191

As a Member Community of Centers for Spiritual Living, our Mission is to provide spiritual tools for personal and global transformation, our Purpose is to awaken humanity to its spiritual magnificence, and our Vision is a world that works for everyone.

If you are in search of a spiritual community where you are respected and accepted for who you are and want the inspiration and support to grow to your highest potential, visit Center for Spiritual Living Greenville.

If you like Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle and Michael Beckwith, you'll feel right at home!

Questions & Answers

Some answers to common questions.

Centers for Spiritual Living is an organization of nearly 400 spiritual communities around the globe that provide spiritual tools to transform personal lives and help make the world a better place. At Centers for Spiritual Living, our spiritual communities teach powerful principles for personal growth and global transformation, honoring all paths to God.

Science of Mind® (also referred to as Religious Science) is the core teaching of Centers for Spiritual Living. Science of Mind is a philosophy that integrates spiritual truths with science and physics. Simply put, Science of Mind teaches the unity of all life. Intentions and ideas flow through a field of consciousness, which actually affects and creates the world around us. This idea is common to most major religions and is supported by the teachings of psychology and quantum physics. In Science of Mind, we believe that the secret to living a successful life is to consciously choose positive and productive thoughts. Put another way, “As you think, so you become.”

Centers for Spiritual Living honors all forms of prayer. In addition, we teach a unique and scientific form of prayer called Spiritual Mind Treatment. This powerful, affirmative method of prayer was developed by Dr. Ernest Holmes. Spiritual Mind Treatment involves a five-step process that harnesses the creative process of consciousness. This type of powerful, scientific prayer allows new levels of health, wealth, love, and wholeness to become a reality in our lives.

Science of Mind is a New Thought philosophy that incorporates spiritual tools of affirmative prayer, healing and creative visualization to transform lives and make the world more peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous. Centers for Spiritual Living does not consider its teachings to be New Age, but rather incorporates the ancient wisdom of all the spiritual traditions through the ages. People of all spiritual paths -- Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, New Age and others -- are all welcome in our communities.

No. Religious Science and Centers for Spiritual Living are in no way related to Scientology.