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Here we go again...and again. Just when we may have settled down in this headline-driven world enough to enjoy a little patch of the mundane, maybe make some plans or embark on a new venture as a parent, an entrepreneur, a student or an explorer, along comes another news flash about the latest horror being visited by one group of humans upon another, the latest earthquake, the latest flood, and on and on. Our plans and dreams may seem foolish in comparison. Will there ever be a "right time" to pursue them?

Trying to pick a time to do these things when nothing is going on in the world might seem foolish, too. Though we may be able to insulate ourselves enough to block out what's going on with our fellow humans nearby and far away, we can't block out our interconnectedness. We feel for one another as we see the images of war and natural disasters and as we pass by the un-housed on the street. If we wait until things settle down to start that family, that new business venture, return to school or take a trip, we'll never do it. There will always be something going on.

Maybe, instead of waiting for the elusive "right time", we could consider the possibility that what we are moved to do will not only fulfill us but will also bring someone or something into the world that is part of its greater unfoldment. Our inner conflict is resolved by our acting on the dream, and our contribution to the collective consciousness when we do this is one of new possibilities and new life. Our inner conflict or peace adds to the same in the world at large. Why not be a "lifter" and add something good?

If you've read our story or lived it with us, you know that CLS Greenville, after a year of groundwork, opened just eleven weeks before COVID-19. Needless to say, our plans - along with everyone else's - changed. We adapted and became a nourishing online community when people needed it most. We moved through life's unexpected twists and turns together and thrived online for a year and a half. And then, like so many others, we experimented with meeting in person again and then returned to online classes, followed by some time off to help our neighbors, and think about where to go from there. Sometimes wisdom points us in unexpected directions, too.

In addition to not waiting for the "right time", it seems wise not to wait for a guarantee either.  Life is neither a straight line nor a level landscape, and yet it just might be all of the unexpected contours that give it beauty and depth. Likely everyone on the planet experienced some kind of conflict because of the pandemic, and yet new types of peace we had not yet experienced or had long-forgotten emerged as well. Perhaps another sage would remind us that in giving into what is, rather than resisting it, we will find unexpected treasures.

So, here we are again, just weeks into re-launching CSL Greenville, when along comes the heart-wrenching news from the Middle East, more natural disasters, and the continued normalization of a number of unacceptable behaviors in the world. Is it foolish to start a spiritual community at a time like this? Or could there be nothing timelier and more needed?

We are a fledgling community, inspired to "meet everywhere you love to be". We say that we are a "multi-location, multi-platform spiritual community in the Upstate and beyond", intentionally offering a variety of ways for people to get together, share and grow. We honor all paths and the "un-churched" and the "nones" frequent our gatherings. So, what do we do when something "big" - bigger than usual - happens? We make room for it in our conversations. We turn each gathering into a safe place to express our feelings, to be present for one another, and to find hope. We tap into the Good with spiritual, psychological, and philosophical tools, and explorations into science, nature, and our own hearts. We find the Good that rests at the heart of everything - always - regardless of what is going on "out there". We fill up our proverbial "cups" that we may be whole and well in our own lives and be able to be present and of service in the lives of those around us. This is just a little of what connection, empathy and compassion can do.

I invite you to consider what you might bring to the world by being out in it, fostering connection, offering empathy, and showing compassion. Is there an opportunity somewhere in your sphere of influence where you can do one or more of these things? It may take courage to begin, and yet, as my friends in 12-step recovery say, the best thing to do when you're feeling challenged in your own life is to go help someone else. Go be of service or incorporate service into the way you interact with people throughout your day and watch as love washes away the challenging feelings for both of you.  There’s plenty that we can do - you and me - to make a difference in this world. We are not helpless. We are inherently helpful, and that "givingness", as Ernest Holmes calls it, is always ready to be shared. Go love. Go share. Pour some fresh Good into the collective and watch for smiles. I'll do the same, and I look forward to sharing them with you!

